martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

United States and science

  The United States is currently the leader in technological research and innovation for almost a hundred and fifty years from now.

  The US has encouraged creativity and free thinking in order to develop new technologies some examples of the US’s top inventors and projects are:

Benjamin Franklin: understanding of electricity  

Thomas Alva Edison: The incandescent light bulb

Robert Goddard: rocket’s propulsion systems

Robert Oppenheimer:

Enrico Fermi

Edward Teller

Hans Bethe                                   Manhattan project

Richard Feynman

John von Neumann

  An important thing in this matter is that US’s constitution promotes scientific research and develop. An example is that the congress has the power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries”. Technological research has been one of the most important aspects of this nation and this age. For that we are thankful and proud.  

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